Lifelink dmg rules

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It allows the selection of full, half, and third caster spell points and class progressions. This utility aims to remove the complexity of keeping track of these spell points for all types of casters. For instance, a caster may choose to spend all their magic on level 2 spells, exhausting the ability to cast any level 1 spells, but gaining more castings of the more powerful spells in the bargain. Spell points solve this problem at the cost of complexity, giving the player a pool of points to use as he or she sees fit on any available spell levels. This is easy to keep track of, but limiting, since you can't sacrifice your level 1 spells to increase the number of level 2 spells available.

For instance, a level 4 wizard will normally have 4 level 1 spells, and 2 level 2 spells. Traditionally, a caster must use spell slots to keep track of spells. Launch Spell Point Calculator DescriptionĪ JavaScript utility designed to assist players in managing spell points for the variant player rules in the 5th Edition D&D Dungeon Master's Guide on page 288.